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What things we should not do in our life
by "Shivam Shukla"
11 Sep 2020, 02:17 PM

On career:
- Never see someone’s success and follow them: Follow your heart and discover your potential, in which tasks you are good, and what you love to do.
- Don’t listen to your heart blindly: While listening to your heart, also be careful. Do not follow your heart voice blindly, cross-check with your brain takes time.
- Don't dream but work on it:
On friendship:
- Never spend on your friends heavily at the cost of your parent’s money. This type of friend just takes you for the granted, they don't love you but the money you use to spend on them, they don't enjoy your company while all they want is there expenses by you.
- Don’t make friends for status or others: Don’t try to talk or make friendship just because someone is famous in college. Friendship is about trusting and sharing. Find a person whom you trust and can share your feelings.
- Don’t maintain groups: Don’t maintain any groups. For example, people belonging to a particular region, religion, caste, sex, class, college, etc., maintain groups. Be open-minded, don’t judge the person by the color of the skin but judge him/her by the content of character-as said by Martin Luther.
- Don’t try to desperately make friends: Friends just happen. You don’t have to search for them. During the path of your career, project, assignment, tours, volunteering, etc., you can make friends. Don’t try desperately
On social work
- Don’t donate but work: If you are donating a lot and think you are a great social worker, then you are wrong, maximum of the NGOs or beggars are fake. So don't donate, work for them, feed them, educate them.
- Donate blood but don’t forget to track it: Ask the hospital or the NGO, how your blood was utilized. Beware, blood is being sold for a huge price.
On house
Think of maintenance before building a house. Don’t just build a duplex just because you can afford it. My relative built the finest house in the city and they are now suffering a lot because of their decision. Couldn’t maintain it. Abdul Kalam owned a small house but he made crores of homes in people’s heart
On marriage
- Neither take nor give dowry: Asking for dowry is like selling yourself for some little amount of papers (money) or things that going to come with the bride. This limits your aura of personality.
- Never leave your parents for your marriage: You have already taken a lot from them. Don’t leave them when you have to give them.
On relationship and love:
- Don’t commit to a person if you are not independent: The first rule of being dependent on others is to be independent as said by Stephen R Covey in his book 7 ways of highly effective people. Trust me, the relations I saw in the first year were all broken up by the time I reached the final year.
- Don’t love a person from one side: Don’t invest your time and energy in attaching so much value to a person. It never comes back.
- Don’t break up easily after committing: Breaking up is the simplest thing to do, your commitment matters, don't break it easily or instantly.
On hobbies
- Don’t try to do everything: I love playing cricket & football, cycling, reading books, writing, riding, etc., But I cannot do everything. Shorten your hobbies. Focus more on what you can continue after 5 or 10 years.
- Don’t skip Newspaper(online/offline): Its a waste of living in the world without knowing what is happening around you. As my psychology professor once said, life is all about knowing the risks, reducing them, and moving on